The comments people send me are always so encouraging. Unfortunately, something was strange on my last post, so no one could post their comment. So, in an effort to encourage those who read and follow, and I will just copy and paste them into a post.
Rayna Brandon:
it's a common experience and people who say they don't feel that way are the hypocrites!
Erin Johnson:
Hypocrites are those who judge others and refuse to shine the light on themselves. In any event, I's time for that glass of wine!
Monica Snider:
Christie ---
Thank you for sharing! I think you are human and a woman! I can really relate to your post here - (Rayna sent me your way - through her blog) I have days where I am on cloud 9 (even sometimes just moments) and then I turn around and think I could be 9 under!! When the doctor told me my progesterone was extremely low, I was actually excited thinking this could explain some of it. You know then other days I think I can equate my status to how full my tank is of the which is it. I think a little of both and also just life well lived! Full of emotion and actually being present and acknowledging we are human! Again - thanks for sharing! have a great day!
***Thanks, everyone, for sharing. In the future, if anyone tries to post a comment and can't, send it to me via facebook or email and let me know if I have permission to post...and I will. I want everyone to be encouraged and strengthened; not just me.
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